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A few minutes later she yelled down from upstairs and asked me to come upstairs for a minute. I was so excited thinking that all the stories that Cindy told me were true and I was going to get to have sex with Norma before we left. I nearly ran upstairs, she was waiting outside of the guest bedroom. She put her arms around me and kissed me deeply. I was instantly excited and kissed her back. As we continued to kiss and touch one another I felt her reach down and unbutton my pants. I tried to begin unbuttoning her shirt, but she stopped me. She continued to remove my pants but every time I attempted to remove any of her clothing she would stop me. Finally with my pants down at my ankles and my shirt off, she pushed me back and said “Why do you keep trying to unbutton my shirt, I thought you liked for the Woman to be in charge?’ That’s what Cindy tells me anyway, so do you really like submitting to Dominant Women? I said, yes I do. She slapped my face and said , ‘you will. It was a regular meal.An interesting looking crowd, there were all naked people to include Sylvia’s husband who had arrived home wasting no time getting into the spa, three of his staff from his office also naked joining him and the only people still with clothes were understandably the S.acred H.eart I.nterpretive T.ask force.Fern came around and hugged me from behind as she took a new can of cow balm from Siza after Siza had opened the lid and pulled me into the center of the gathering. She put a large amount of cow balm on her fingers and I wondered where they had found that product familiar to me from so many years back at the dairy. Fern pushed me to bend over and Siza began to spread the balm up and down my butt crack thick which caught everyone’s attention.She applied more, almost half of the can on me both rear and my crotch, penis, etc. Everyone began whispering, wondering, some putting a little of the cow balm on their finger to examine it. Fern put some on her index and.
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